Friday, February 6, 2009

Seasonal missmatch

As the recession is quite evident, I thought I might give a money saving fashion tip:
The art of Re-using your clothes:
For example. Seasonal wear is difficult but with the right attitude and creativity, your wardrobe can work for any season!

What I like to do is get something that is seasonal (summer dress, tights, boots, flowery stuff) and mix it up. For example, if you are a fall person (like me) who likes darker colors and semi warm clothing, I would suggest using those colors, mixing it with sandals, adding a beach bag.

This takes a lot of creativity and time (along with playing fashion show in front of the mirror) but with a little luck you'll not only look fabulous but also have some extra cash.

Summer dress for the winter!

Summer for Winter
Summer for Winter - by claw333 on
If you are like me and have a ton of summer dresses which are not needed in the cold weather, simply pair it up with a jacket, scarf, tights, and other warm clothing. Boots, mary-janes, and warm foot wear is recommended. Also, tights are a must unless you have skinny jeans. Those work even better!

Spring for Summer

Spring for Summer
Spring for Summer - by claw333 on
Not a very hard transition or mix because these seasons are close together. However, when you are still used to the breeze and the bloom of spring, its hard to adjust to the heat wave of summer. So what can you do? Just use that flowery skirt, pair with light cardigan, and sandals! Don't forget a bikini and beach bag for those fabulous beach trips.

Spring for fall
Spring for Fall
Spring for Fall - by claw333 on
As I get fall withdrawals, I like to think of other seasonal things and pair it off with fall clothing. My suggestion is bright and warm colors with a neutral. Along with tights (of course!), boots (or mary janes), and a sassy fall color bag.

Anyways, hope that helps you save cash, gain some creativity, and re-think those hibernating articles of clothing in your closet!

That's that!

Sets inspired by shoes

I was shoe shopping the other day and realized my love for lace-y shoes! These are fabulous shoes as they are versatile and gorgeous. Versatile, you ask? Yup, you can use it for the office to spruce up that dull pant suit or take it out on the night on the town. Lace-y shoes are also great for feminizing (or emasculating, in another sense) an outfit and therefore creating a Katherine Hepburn look. Anyways here are some random and silly outfits I made...

Red shoes!
Two famous colors in one
Two famous colors in one - by claw333 on

So red and black has got to be the sexiest combo of colors since forever. Hhere is a way to go to day to night outfit!

Black shoes!

So classy, we needed a butler
So classy, we needed a butler - by claw333 on

Just fooling around with polyvore. Again, red and black along with a lace explosion!

Beige/ white shoes
CLassy? - by claw333 on
Need sprucing for the work place? Here you go, accessories are optional but for work pick classics that are plain, simple, but timeless.

That's that!